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Here you can view all the available categories for the DMAs 2024. Please note that not all categories will necessarily be awarded annually and their inclusion is at the discretion of the organisers.

This award is for a cake or sugar artist who has blown you away this year with their creativity and awe-inspiring pieces. Who do you think has stood out above the rest in the past 12 months?
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
This award is for a cookie artist whose skill and precision is truly excellent. Which artist's work makes you think "that can't be a cookie!?"
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
This award is for the artist who can create amazing and beautiful floral and fauna out of sugar. Whether fantasy flowers or botanically correct, which floral expert produces the most amazing flowers in your opinion?
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
This award is for the artist who can create amazing creations out of cupcakes. Whether they are fabulous with cupcake florals or magnificent at modelling cupcake toppers - we want to know about them.
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
This award will go to the artist who dazzles us with their modelling skills and expertise; who excels at cartoon/comic based modelling.
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
Think carved and sculpted cakes, busts and realistic modelling for this award. Is there an artist who can transform sponge into amazing sculptures and works of art?
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
This award is for the artist who uses their cake, cookie, edible plaque etc as their canvas. Painting with any edible medium is allowed. Who is your Picasso or Van Gogh of the sugar world?
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
This award is for the cake designer who sweeps us off our feet with their stunning designs. Whether wedding cakes or celebration cakes, traditional or more contemporary, we want to see which cake designer wows you with everything they make.
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
This award will recognise the talents of an up and coming star in the industry; someone we are sure will go on to great things. Or an existing established artist who has really come to the forefront over the last year. Do you have someone in mind?
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
Is there an artist or a company that have taught you all you know? Who is the best teacher in the biz? Who has a teaching style to rival all others? Who has helped shaped you into the sugar artist you are today?
Only teaching in last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* The range of classes / tutorials / mentorship offered
* Reviews and feedback from customers
* Innovative / creative ideas
* Originality of classes
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
We all have those amazing products that we just can't live without. Whether it's a modelling paste, a sugar paste, a florist paste, a colour range or a tool - whatever you think deserves an award, we want to hear about it.
The winner of this category will be based solely on the number of public votes.
We spend hours creating masterpieces for our customers but it's the finishing touches that can sometimes just finish them perfectly and set us apart in the industry. From beautiful boxes to elegant stands, acrylic or glitter card toppers, balloon arches or dried flowers - what finishing touches make your work stand out from the crowd.
The winner of this category will be based solely on the number of public votes.
We want to reward the people behind the online communities who help you the most. Which online group or community helps guide and advise you. Please note: the group / community must be ONLINE and must be FREE to join.
The winner of this category will be based solely on the number of public votes.
Which D'licious Magazine tutorial did you love the most? Which was the most in-depth, most helpful? Which did you enjoy reading?
Tutorials from October 2023 up to and including September 2024 will be considered.
This category will be judged on:
* Innovation, creativity and originality of the tutorial
* The usefulness / helpfulness of the tutorial
* The quality of the photographs
* How easy it is to follow
* The range of skills taught
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
Do you know a sugar artist who is always one step ahead of the game? Maybe they are a real trend setter in the industry? Perhaps they work with different materials and mediums in new and exciting ways? Maybe their designs are always super fresh and modern? We want to know all about them and reward them for their bravery in tackling designs and challenges. We want to shine a spotlight on those who really stand out from the crowd.
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
Taken from film theory, the term auteur refers to an artist (usually a director) whose individual style and control over all elements of a film give it a distinct and recognisable look. So adopting this idea, the Sugar Auteur of the year will be the sugar artist who has such a distinct and personal style and has honed their skills so well, that their work is instantly recognisable as theirs without us even being told!
This category will be judged on the following:
* Recognisable style and look across the work
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
Who has helped you in your business? Who has taught you how to upscale, increase sales, work your social media etc? Who has given you the confidence or knowledge you needed to progress? We want to hear who has helped you the most in either a free or paid capacity.
The winner of this category will be based solely on the number of public votes.
Whose work is so neat and clean that it amazes you every time? Who can produce cakes that have those sharp and perfect edges? Whose finish is flawless?
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Clean work and neatness
* Standard of the finish
* Precision of the work
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
Who can work with royal icing or buttercream in a way that no one else can? Who amazes you with their skills in one or both of these areas?
Only work produced over the last 12 months will be considered. This category will be judged on the following:
* Innovation, creativity and originality
* Skill (including difficulty, range, ability and precision)
* Range, amount and quality of work produced
* Stand out appeal / WOW factor / impact
* Ability to create new and exciting designs
* The number of nominations received will also be taken into account.
One of our two competition categories, the Beginner Sugar Art of the year will look at which piece of sugar art by a beginner has wowed us the most in the past 12 months.
The judging panel will decide the finalists and then the panel and the public will vote for the winner.
Beginners are classed as someone who is new to competitions this year or someone who has been in the industry for less than three years.
To enter the Beginners Sugar Art of the year please visit www.dlicious-magazine.co.uk/sugarartoftheyear
One of our two competition categories, the Sugar Art of the year will look at which piece of sugar art by a professional artist has wowed us the most in the past 12 months.
The judging panel will decide the finalists and then the panel and the public will vote for the winner.
To enter the Beginners Sugar Art of the year please visit www.dlicious-magazine.co.uk/sugarartoftheyear
If you have any queries regarding the awards please email: info@TheDMAs.co.uk